WhatsApp hack tool or WhatsApp spy that spy WhatsApp conversations on your child phone, despite of the conversations has been deleted. The mobile phone spy application cal also spy on phone activities, locate the phone, do gps tracking, etc.
- Spy sms, spy viber, whatsapp, Facebook, Skype, Gtalk, Hangouts, Yahoo Messenger. This also works as a WhatsApp hack tool.
- Spy email, Gmail
- Track browsing history: default browser, chrome, firefox.
- Read entire contact list: Phone number and Email address.
- Monitor applications.
- Access pictures and videos taken by the target phone.
- Call recording, call spy.
- Notifications: Sim Card changed notification.
- External Storage Manager: view folder and files.
How to use:
- It takes couple of minutes to data display latest data: sms, chat, contact, web.
- Please play with it (open web, application, send sms, call; chat whatsapp, viber, hangouts, skype, facebook, send email to some your friends)
Once you install this mobile tracker on the target cell phone and register it with username and password you can spy kid, wife, husband, lovers, friends.
Use Note:
Rooted Phone Features: Whatsapp tracker, viber, facebook, skype, hangouts, yahoo, gmail, email, firefox.
Non-rooted Note: Whatsapp (include new version) can be tracked data 24 hours delay.
Choosing the right WhatsApp spy software can be difficult. When it comes to smart phones, whatsapp is one of the top communication applications on the market. Almost every person who owns a smart phone uses WhatsApp, and many people need a whatsapp hack tool to do whatsapp spy on messages. WhatsApp spy helps you to spy on whatsapp sms from your child's phone, knowing what his did when you are not there, in order to keep your child safe.WhatsApp hack tool atau WhatsApp mata-mata yang memata-matai percakapan WhatsApp telepon anak Anda, meskipun percakapan telah dihapus. Telepon selular aplikasi spy cal juga memata-matai kegiatan telepon, menemukan telepon, lakukan pelacakan gps, dll
- Spy sms, viber mata-mata, whatsapp, Facebook, Skype, Gtalk, Hangouts, Yahoo Messenger. Hal ini juga bekerja sebagai alat WhatsApp hack.
- Email Spy, Gmail
- Riwayat Jalur penjelajahan: browser default, chrome, firefox.
- Baca seluruh daftar kontak: Nomor telepon dan alamat Email.
- Aplikasi Monitor.
- Akses gambar dan video yang diambil oleh ponsel target.
- Call rekaman, panggilan mata-mata.
- Pemberitahuan: Sim Card berubah pemberitahuan.
- External Storage Manager: tampilan folder dan file.
Cara menggunakan:
- Dibutuhkan beberapa menit untuk data yang menampilkan data terbaru: sms, chatting, kontak, web.
- Harap bermain dengan itu (web terbuka, aplikasi, mengirim sms, telepon, chatting whatsapp, viber, nongkrong, skype, facebook, kirim email ke beberapa teman)
Setelah Anda menginstal mobile tracker ini pada ponsel target dan mendaftar dengan username dan password Anda bisa memata-matai anak-anak, istri, suami, kekasih, teman.
Gunakan Note:
Fitur Telepon Berakar: Whatsapp tracker, viber, facebook, skype, nongkrong, yahoo, gmail, email, firefox.
Catatan Non-berakar: Whatsapp (termasuk versi baru) dapat dilacak Data 24 jam delay.
Memilih perangkat lunak mata-mata WhatsApp tepat bisa menjadi sulit. Ketika datang ke ponsel pintar, whatsapp adalah salah satu aplikasi komunikasi atas di pasar. Hampir setiap orang yang memiliki ponsel pintar menggunakan WhatsApp, dan banyak orang membutuhkan alat whatsapp hack untuk melakukan mata-mata whatsapp pada pesan. WhatsApp spy membantu Anda untuk memata-matai whatsapp sms dari telepon anak Anda, mengetahui apa yang ia lakukan ketika Anda tidak ada, untuk menjaga anak Anda aman.